Our horses are the "Healers". They are amazing animals who have the ability to mirror your emotions, sense your emotions and then comfort you.
Part of our exercises is for you to learn more about yourself, your energy levels, letting go of your "Ego", listening to your inner wisdom and learning
how to activate your intuition.
Equine Personal Wellness Programs (EPW) starts to address your personal value and journey of health. Then we work on tools that
will help you in your personal and workplace situation. Life lessons are played out in real time with the horses and immediately linked to the real world
events of your past and present circumstances.
The major life lessons typically include:
-I need to stay calm
-I can trust both myself and others
-My feelings count but so do yours
-Putting aside anger leads to self awareness
-Overcoming obstacles is part of life
-Live in the present but plan for the future
Our goal is to give you an opportunity to create a better future for yourself.
We have been operating these programs for the last 15 years working with various agencies (Prov & Federal)
and private funding sessions. This comes with over 50+ years experience with working with horses.
We also offer Horse sessions from March-June and Sept-Dec. These are scheduled 1 hr weekly sessions for 8 wks. Students from Grade 2 or age 7-15 must
have an adult participating in the sessions. Adults can schedule sessions also. (Cost is $462)
***Please realize these sessions are designed for learning to handle a horse on the ground and possibly ride.
They are not designed to deal with personal issues that would fall under our Equine Personal Wellness Programs. Individuals participating
must be ready to learn to work with a horse (grooming, walking & trotting on the ground experiences).
**There is no refund on the package but you can substitute with another person.